The Prophet Muhammed (SAW)’s life was one of mercy, struggle, perseverance and humility that enabled him to be known as the greatest example for all mankind. Whether it was at home with his family or friends, negotiating treaties to safeguard his people or fighting in the frontlines of battles to defend Islam, our Prophet Muhammed’s actions are the greatest guides for us believers over 1400 years later to follow. One such example where he provided some of the greatest lessons for us today was the Opening of Makkah. The Prophet SAW entered Makkah with his army on the 23rd Ramadan of the 8th year after Hijra (AH); what would be one of the most important events in the history of Islam.

Two years before, the relationship between the Muslims in Madinah and the Quraysh in Makkah had reached a boiling point. Battles like at Badr and Uhud had ensured the Makkans would not give up attacking the Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and his message. Thus, a treaty was proposed when the Muslims were determined to perform Umrah the previous year and the Quraysh refused to allow them into the city. The terms of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah in 6 A.H would allow the Muslims to undertake Umrah, but most importantly they agreed to a 10-year period of peace. As a part of the treaty, Arab tribes were allowed to ally themselves with whomever they wanted, with the Banu Bakr joining the Quraysh and the Banu Khuza’ah joining the Muslims. The peace was ensured but would not last long.

In Shaban 8 A.H, the peace would be broken by the Quraysh’s ally Banu Bakr. In the region of al-Wateer, men from the Banu Bakr attacked the men of Khuza’ah, chasing them until they reached the Holy sanctuary of the Ka’bah. The Arabs, despite not being Muslims, knew that no man should be killed next the Haram, but their lives were still not spared. One of the men of Banu Khuza’ah, A’mar ibn Saalim informed the Prophet (SAW) who immediately wanted to act. The Prophet (SAW) send a messenger to the Quraysh to reaffirm the treaty and set new conditions, but the Quraysh refused. A grave crime had been committed and now the treaty had been broken. The Muslims were not willing to let this oppression go idly by. Revenge was never the aim, but a wrong had to be righted.

By Niyaz Ahmed

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