With the Quraysh finally understanding the horrible consequences of the broken treaty, their leader Abu Sufyan ibn Harb hoped to defuse the situation. He rode to Madinah, hoping for some sort of reconciliation. He hoped to speak to Muhammed (SAW) himself but was refused. Soon after, he sought the council of the Prophet (SAW) deputies. He hoped to gain the audience of Abu Bakr, Umar ibn Khattab, Ali ibn Abu Talib, and even his daughter Umm Habibah, but they all refused. Umm Habibah was also the wife of the Prophet and when Abu Sufyan came to see her, he was about to sit on the Prophet (SAW) bed. She refused to let him sit down, stating that he was not pure enough to sit on this bed. Abu Sufyan would return to Makkah in humiliation, disappointment, and no hope for reconciliation. Thereafter, the Prophet (SAW) readied his 10,000 strong army to proceed to Makkah on the 10th Ramadan 8 A.H.

In one last attempt to alleviate a dire situation for the Quraysh and himself, Abu Sufyan yet again tried to speak to the Prophet (SAW). This time the Muslim army were already on their way to Makkah, the only hope for Abu Sufyan would be the Prophet’s mercy. He was advised by Abbas ibn Abdul Muttalib (RA) to accept Islam and persuade his people to surrender and in those compelling circumstances he accepted both conditions. To appease Abu Sufyan’s ego, the Prophet (SAW) allowed him to have the privilege of proclaiming his house as a safe haven. He was the leader of the Quraysh. If the Prophet (SAW) did not give him this privilege, he would have been humiliated even further. Regardless of his attitude at this time, Abu Sufyan would later become a valued Muslim eventually losing an eye fighting for the Muslims at the Battle of Yarmuk against the Romans.

With the Quraysh helpless to defend Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) entered the city on the 23rd Ramadan 8 A.H, not for Umrah or Hajj, but to conquer it. Eight years earlier, he was forced to leave it, now he was entering it as their new leader. A humble entry with little bloodshed, the Opening of Makkah would be symbolic of the teachings of Islam. While a small number of Qurayshi men were killed when they attacked the battalion of Khalid ibn Waleed, all the people of Makkah were spared and forgiven. The Prophet Muhammed (SAW) stated:

“Whoever enters the Musjid-e-Haraam will be safe, whoever stays indoors will be safe, the wounded will not be killed, the captives will not be killed and those who try to escape will not be chased.”

By Niyaz Ahmed

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