As much as seeking knowledge, Dawah (calling to Islam) is also an obligation. In the beginning of our beloved Prophet (SAW)’s last khutbah:

“Listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.”

In this khutbah, the Prophet (SAW) was not only speaking to those who were present, but to his entire ummah. The Prophet (SAW) knew he was the seal of the Prophets, so he made us understand that after he dies, calling people to Islam is our responsibility now. Those who listened conveyed to those who were not there for they might better understand it. The Sahabah learnt from our Prophet (SAW). The Tabi’un (the generation after the Sahabah) learnt from the sahabah and the Tabi-Tabi’un (the generation after the Tabi’un) learnt from them. Centuries of knowledge have been passed down to us, historical, theological, and societal, and we are at a stage where we will pass our knowledge down to our children. If we do not have a strong foundation of our past, what will we pass down and will we ensure that our future generations learn from our mistakes or doom them to repeat it? To carry on the Prophet’s (SAW) mission is to know how it has been done.

As students of history, we can speak truth to power, separate the myths from the facts, and know how enjoin good at the expense of falsehood. Knowing our history means able to think critically by analysing how past civilisation were built from nothing and how great superpowers fell while having everything. To call to Islam effectively, history is not a science that can be forgotten or left behind.

Successful carriers of the responsibility the Prophet (SAW) has given us, have a sound knowledge of not only the history of Islam but a history of humanity. We preach the message of Islam in a way that it relates with people. The more we understand, the more we can appeal to them. Further knowledge of how Islam was implemented for over a thousand years and comparing it to other human civilisations is fundamental to how Islam is presented to the people. The laymen looks at action more than they listen to words. By learning our history, we can give practical examples to how Islam can be the solution to all mankind as it had been for many different societies that lived under the shade of Islam.